One of the most beautiful sights in our world – a night sky full of stars, galaxies, nebulas, meteor showers and other astronomical objects is becoming harder and harder to see due to increasing light pollution.
By Jan Takacs, 11th May 2017
Did you know? Modrava is one of the few places in the Czech Republic where it is possible to observe the Milky way with a naked eye - due to extremely low light pollution.
The Milky Way lights up the sky over Sumava National Park, South Bohemia
The best time to see the Milky Way in Central Europe is in July & August
There are around 200 to 400 billion stars in the Milky Way alone
And we are around 28 thousand light years away from the Milky Way center
Which is called Saggitarius A
Perseid meteor shower peaks during July & August
Center of the Milky Way, Saggitarius A glowing immensely above the forests of Sumava
Most of the people living in cities will never see the Milky Way due to massive light pollution
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